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nature reserve
| Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge  





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Description: Punta de Manabique is a peninsula that separates the Amatique Bay from the Gulf of Honduras and is an important region of international concern recognized by the Ramsar Convention. With a total area of 344,000 acres, the arrangement of several habitats such as beaches, mangroves, bays, swamps, coastal land, estuaries, coral reef and Open Ocean, makes this a unique site. Since its location is close to Amatique Bay, Río Dulce and the Caribbean Sea, birdwatching becomes an exceptional experience. The area is of scientific importance and promotes ecotourism in local communities to involve them in the same process.

Access: Take the CA-9 Atlantic highway from Guatemala City to Puerto Barrios (around 186 miles); in the main harbor of Puerto Barrios you must take a boat that will take you to Punta de Manabique.

Services: Lodging and food services available at Julio Obiols Scientific Station, which belongs to FUNDARY. The community of Estero Lagarto offers lodging and transportation from Puerto Barrios to El Estero. You can take tours to different esteros inside the protected area; kayaking and camping are also offered. It is recommended that you make a reservation with FUNDARY or the community at least 5 days in advance.

Tourist facilities: There are a few terrestrial trails, and birdwatching is mostly done by boat through the canals on the estuaries.

Fees and schedule: Verify prices with FUNDARY and Estero Lagarto Community.

Other features: You can visit other areas within the protected area, such as Estero Lagarto and Motagüilla, manatee observation in Santa Isabel and other tourist attractions of Izabal, especially with the Garífuna culture.

Contact: Fundación para la Conservación del Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales Mario Dary Rivera (FUNDARY),Tel. in Guatemala City: (502) 2232 3230;
In Puerto Barrios: (502) 7948 0940/4,;;;
comunidad Estero Lagarto, Tel.: (502) 53039822


Some species: Chestnut-bellied Heron, King Vulture, Collared Forest-Falcon, Yellow Headed Amazon, White-crowned Pigeon, Snowy Cotinga, Golden-winged Warbler, Green-backed Sparrow.


| Black-throated Shrike-tanager 
(Lanio aurantius)


Chocón Machacas Biotope >>
