AVENTURAS NATURALES Tel: (502) 5381 6615 aventuras@itelgua.com: www.oreophasis.com Specialized in observation of flora and fauna and ecotourism; offer itineraries from half a day to two weeks, visiting all habitats in Guatemala. They focus on families and small groups. CAYAYA BIRDING Guatemala city Tel: (502) 5308 5160 / 2433 0544; info@cayaya-birding.com; www.cayaya-birding.com Specialized in observation of flora and fauna, ecotourism, ecological camping, archeology, crafts, adventure tourism. ECOCENTER TOURS Las Verapaces ecocentertours@gmail.com www.ecocentertours.salamatecos.com Telephones: (502) 7940 0459 / 5844 2434 / 5989 3877 GUATEMALA NATURE – VIA MAYA Boulevard Liberación 6-31 Zona 9. Centro Comercial Chuck E Cheese, Guatemala, CA. Tel: (502) 2339 3601 Cel: (502) 5204 9535 info@viamaya.com www.guatemalanature.com; www.viamaya.com MARTSAM TOURS & TRAVEL Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez Tel: (502) 7867 5377 / 7867 5093 info@martsam.com www.martsam.com Specialized in archaeology, ecotourism, and observation of flora and fauna tours. | OPERADOR LATINO Tour & travel Km. 13 Carretera a El Salvador Los Altos # 56, Guatemala City Tel: (502) 6634-5631; Fax: (502) 6634-1138 opera@operadorlatino.com www.operadorlatino.com Offering observation of flora and fauna, ecotourism, ecological camping, archeology, crafts, and adventure tourism tours. REUEXTREME Retalhuleu, Retalhuleu Tel. (502) 7771 0443 / 7771 6136; info@reuxtreme.com; www.reuxtreme.com Specialized in archeology, adventure, exploration of caves, aquatic sports, ecotourism, observation of flora and fauna, folklore and volcanoes. TESSA TRAVEL Ciudad de Guatemala Tel: (502) 2368 0782-1271 Cel: 5595 8406; tessamanager@yahoo.com.mx VACACIONES MAYAS Ciudad de Guatemala Tel. (502) 2426 1400; info@vacacionesmayas.com; www.vacacionesmayas.com VIAVENTURE Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez Tel. (502) 7832 0478; becky.harris@viaventure.com, james.goller@viaventure.com; www.viaventure.com |