centro-altiplano Pacifico-Bocacosta Caribe-Oriente Las Verapaces Pet¹n
  | Finca Filadelfia  






© Photo: Finca Filadelfia    

Description: With 553.5 acres of natural forest and cultivated lands, as a farm Finca Filadelfia also produces high-quality coffee. This destination offers specialized coffee tours, and recently opened its doors for ecological tours and birdwatching. It is surrounded by Pine-Oak forest, which is well conserved, and it also has remnants of Cloud Forest in the elevated area of the farm, where you can observe more than a hundred bird species.
Services: Finca Filadelfia is a boutique hotel which is member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World, and it also has two much-recommended restaurants (you should check availability before); transportation inside the farm to get to the trails is also offered.

Access: From Guatemala City, take the highway to Antigua (CA-1) or from the Pacific Coast you can also access through the road from Escuintla to Antigua; once you reach Antigua, take the road that leads to San Felipe de Jesús until you reach the central market of San Felipe. From there drive 150m to the North from San Felipe´s Church, until you will find the entrance of the farm towards your right (at the entrance you will see a fountain). Free transportation from Antigua is offered for small groups.

Tourist facilities: Wide and well adapted trails.
Fees and schedule: $35 per person, which includes the visit to the trails with a guide (not a birdwatching specialist); if you wish to have a specialized tour guide for birdwatching the fee is $60 per person; flexible schedules for bird watching, but other tours do have a fixed schedule and specific fees (check website for more information).

Other features: all the specialized tours and accommodations that Finca Filadelfia offers, and also the magic that Antigua offers.

Telephones: (502) 7728-0800, 5219-9291, 5216-8450; US line (646) 257-4957;

hotel@filadelfiaresort.com, jadominguez@filadelfiaresort.com, pquirin@rdaltoncoffee.com;


Some Species: Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Blue-throated Motmot, Bushy-crested Jay, Black-capped Swallow, Crescent-chested Warbler, Bar-winged Oriole.



| Bushy-crested Jay
(Cyanocorax melanocyaneus)

Molino Helvetia Private Nature Reserve>>

aviturismo guatemala