centro-altiplano Pacifico-Bocacosta Caribe-Oriente Las Verapaces Pet¹n
  | Molino Helvetia Private Nature Reserve



nature reserve





© Photos: Molino Helvetia    

Description: The reserve is located in the Mountain Forest biome of Sierra de Tecpán. It is a Private Natural Reserve created in 2004, although its history dates back to 1924 when it functioned as a wheat mill. The lodge house called Casa Xara has a name which in the Kaqchikel language means jay, a very common species in this region. In the Pine-Oak Forest there is a diversity of birds that fly through the mystic air of Sierra de Tecpán. The famous ornithologist Alexander Skutch considered this place one of his favorites for birdwatching during his expeditions to Guatemala.

Services: Lodging inside the Reserve at Casa Xara, which has rooms with private bathrooms and restaurant service (all services need reservations). You can also rent bicycles to ride through the trails.

Access: Just about one hour and a half from Guatemala City, taking the CA-1 Highway until Km87, from there take a left and you will enter the City of Tecpán, after that you will continue for another 3 miles until you’ll find the sign for “Casa Xara” and the Reserve.

Tourist facilities: Bike and pedestrian trails are ideal for bird watching.

Fees and schedules: $5 per person for use of the pedestrian trails (check prices for renting bicycles).

Other features: Visit Casa Xara and the Mill Museum inside the Reserve. It is also near the Archaeological Park Iximché, and close to the market of Tecpán, where you will find beautiful crafts.

Contact: Telephone in Tecpán: (502) 7840 4141,
in Guatemala City: (502) 2363 3711/ 2368 3086.



Some Species: Highland Guan, Northern Flicker, Blue-throated Motmot, Black-capped Swallow, Rufous-collared Robin, Bushy-crested Jay, Pink-headed Warbler, Rusty Sparrow, Black-Capped Siskin.



| White-breasted Hawk 
(Accipiter chionogaster)

Chuwanimajuyú >>

aviturismo guatemala