birdwatching in Guatemala Center-Highlands Pacific Coast Eastern - Caribbean Verapaces Peten
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  | El Aprisco Ecological Trail  


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Description: Directed by the Western Rural Development Cooperation (CDRO, Cooperativa para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente). It is located in a high-altitude area, where you can observe in abundance the Pinabete, an endemic and endangered species of pine (Abies guatemalensis), as well as Pine-Oak Forests and Cloud Forests, which helps to maintain the water source of the area that flows to the nearby communities. There is also reforestation in the area with pine, white pine and gold pine.

Services: Environmental educational chats and interpretative walks inside the forest for groups; lodging (cabins with capacity for eight persons), restrooms and picnic areas.

Access: Take the highway to Chimaltenango (CA-1), after the Los Encuentros turn to Cuatro Caminos (Km190), turn right towards San Miguel Totonicapán at Km200. Once in Totonicapán look for the road towards Santa Cruz del Quiché and drive for around 3 miles on a dirt road. You will find El Aprisco on your left in the highest part of the road, just when the road starts to descend.

Tourist facilities: There are easily reached trails inside the Pine Forest; the longest is 1.2 miles.

Fees and schedule: $2 for adults and $1 for children and Guatemalan residents. Foreigners’ fees are $3 for adults and $2 for children. Camping fees are $3 per person. It is open daily from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Other features: You can visit the Museum of Cultural and History in Totonicapán, beautiful scenic rock hills, and a great view of María Tecún and Cuxnikel Forest. In the nearby broad-leafed forest of El Aprisco, it is possible to observe the Horned Guan.

Telephones:(502) 7766 2175, 5355 0280;,,;


Some Species: Pink-headed Warbler, Crescent-chested Warbler, Yellow-eyed Junco, Northern Flicker (Guatemalan race), White-naped Brush-Finch, Brown Creeper, Rufous-browed Wren, Brown-backed Solitaire, Rufous-collared Robin, Amethyst-throated Robin, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer, Steller´s Jay, Olive Warbler, Black-capped Siskin.



| Rufous-collared Thrush (Robin)
(Turdus rufitorques)

Chicabal Volcano and Lagoon >>

birdwatching guatemala