birdwatching in Guatemala Center-Highlands Pacific Coast Eastern - Caribbean Verapaces Peten
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nature reserve
| Chicabal Volcano and Lagoon




picnic area


© Photos: Ronny Mejía    

Description: With a total area of 4329 acres, the lagoon is situated in the interior of the volcano´s crater, this site being sacred for the Maya, and to this day the communities perform religious rituals here. The area is located in the Cloud Forest biome and is managed by Asociación de Agricultores Ecológicos (ASAECO, Ecological Farmers Association). This Association has promoted the conservation and reforestation of the area and at the same time functions as local guides and park guards.

Services: Lodging and restaurant in cabins (capacity for eight persons); reservations are recommended for lodge and guided tours. There are several hotel options in Quetzaltenango.

Access: From Guatemala City take the CA-1 highway to the Highlands; you will pass Chimaltenango and Los Encuentros until you will reach a junction called Cuatro Caminos (Km190). From there take a left towards Quetzaltenango (Xela); Chicabal is an hour from Quetzaltenango through the road to San Marcos. This road passes through San Juan Ostuncalco, where you should take the road that leads to San Martín Sacatepéquez to finally get to Chicabal.

Tourist facilities: trails with access to the volcano and lagoon, and there is also a sightseeing spot in the high area.

Fees and schedule: $1 per person for Guatemalan citizens and $2 per person for foreigners. Tour guides for groups of up to ten persons are available for $10. It is open every day form 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Other features: Near the historical city of Quetzaltenango and some famous vapor saunas. You can also visit Santa María and Pecul (to the East), and Tacaná (to the West) volcanoes.

Telephones: (502) 5706 3620, 5809 5076.;


Some Species: White-breasted Hawk, Highland Guan, Green-throated Mountain-Gem; Mountain Trogon; Black-capped Swallow; Stellers’ Jay, Pink-headed Warbler; Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer.



| Golden-browed Warbler
(Basileuterus belli)

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birdwatching guatemala