birdwatching in Guatemala Center-Highlands Pacific Coast Eastern - Caribbean Verapaces Peten
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  | Hacienda Tijax Hotel  



© Photos: Eugenio Gobbato


Description: Tijax is a Kaqchikel word that means “obsidian stone”. Strategically located in the limits of Río Dulce National Park, the guests vary from international tourists, boat cruise tourists, birdwatchers and ecotourists. The area inside Tijax has been well preserved and serves as a reserve, where you can observe terrestrial and aquatic birds, and also you can expand your bird sightings visiting Río Dulce National Park. Hacienda Tijax has been certified by Green Deal.

Access: From Guatemala City take the Atlantic Highway (CA-9) until you reach Km 245. Turn towards Río Dulce on Highway CA-13, until you reach the bridge over Río Dulce; under the bridge you have to take a boat, or you can do it by car (make a right one kilometer after the bridge at Km 276).

Services: Lodging and restaurant, pool, internet and boat transport. It is recommended that you make reservations.
Tourist facilities: Observation towers, canopy, pedestrian trails and observation posts.

Fees and schedules:
Contact the Hacienda ahead of time in order to verify prices and schedules if you are not going to lodge there.

Other features: You can visit Río Dulce National Park, Lake Izabal, Biotopo Chocón Machacas, Manatee Reserve, Finca El Paraíso, Punta de Manabique, Livingston and Río Dulce.

Contact: Telephones: (502) 7930 5505/07


Some species: Magnificent Frigatebird, Word Stork, Black and White Hawk-eagle, Orange Breasted Falcon, Black Skimmer, Spectacled Owl, Green-breasted Mango, Slaty-tailed Trogon, keel-billed Toucan, Sulfur-Rumped Flycatcher, Red-capped Manakin, Green-shrike Vireo

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| Green-backed Sparrow 
(Arremonops c. chloronotus)

Verapaces Route >>
