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  | El Tule Educational Centre  




© Photos: Mayan Trail


Description: With an area of 116 acres in the Thorn Dry Scrub biome, the forest of this biome has been truly conserved in the reserve, making this area an ideal and quiet place to observe the representative birds of the region. El Tule Popular Educational Centre began its activities fifteen years ago working with alternative educational programs, with an emphasis on children and teenagers as part of the development of the community, working with agricultural education, preventive health programs and recreational activities. El Tule is managed by a Christian NGO that helps the poorer communities of the country, with an emphasis on child development.

Access: Taking the Atlantic Highway (CA-9) until you reach Km136, where you turn towards the city of Zacapa, continuing to Chiquimula; at Km 173, turn right and within 3.1 mile you will reach El Tule. Another option is travelling from Guatemala City through El Salvador Highway (Carretera a El Salvador) and just about Km140 you turn towards Ipala Lagoon and Volcano; once you pass the entrance to Ipala continue until San José La Arada. On the highway that goes from Chiquimula to Esquipulas, 3.1 miles before you reach Esquipulas, you will find El Tule.

Services: Lodging and restaurant (requires reservations), educational seminars, auditorium and recreational areas; check with the administration of the Center for fees and reservation.

Tourist facilities: There are two trails that run through the thorn dry forest biome.

Fees and schedule:
US$ 2 per person. Contact El Tule administration to verify schedules.

Other features: The Center is near the Ipala Volcano and the city of Esquipulas in the Department of Chiquimula. Esquipulas is one of the most important and famous religious centers of Guatemala, where the Basilica houses the Shrine of the Black Christ. Also within five minutes you can reach the road that leads to Copán, Honduras.

Contact: Km 177 route to Ipala, Chiquimula. Telephones: (502) 5514 9803, 5514 8071,


Some species: Lesser Roadrunner, Turquoise-browed Motmot, Russet-crowned Motmot, White-throated Magpie-jay, White-lored Gnatcatcher, Streaked-backed Oriole.


| Russet-crowned Motmot
(Momotus mexicanus)

Quiriguá Archaeological Park >>
