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  | Cerro Alux Protected Forest and Stream Reserve



©Photos: CASABAL

Description: The Reserve has an area of 13,270 acres, and was created to safeguard water reserves and Pine-Oak forests. Cerro Alux has a great biodiversity and bird fauna and it is a safe place nearby the City. A weekday visit is recommended, since weekends at Cerro Alux can be crowded. Inside the protected area there is an ecological park under the administrations of the Municipality of San Lucas Sacatepéquez.

Services: Picnic areas inside the ecological park.
Access: From Guatemala City take the CA-1 that takes you to Antigua; at Km26.5 turn right, where you will find a sign that reads Senderos de Alux. Follow the sign until you reach the top of the hill of Cerro Alux.

Tourist facilities: Trails that go through the forest and open areas are of moderate difficulty. There are places to rest on the trail and birdwatching spots.

Fees and schedule: Ecological Park: $2 for adults and $ 1 for children. It is open form 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; if you arrive at the Park before 8:00 am, you can observe some birds on the way and outside the Park.

Other features: Cerro Alux is on the way to beautiful Antigua; on top of Cerro Alux, you can observe Agua, Fuego and Acatenango volcanoes. The Fuego Volcano is active, and you can see smoke billowing out of the crest of the volcano.

Contact: Municipality of San Lucas Sacatepéquez. Telephones: (502) 7830 3307, 7830 3308.
CONAP Mixco area: (502) 2433 6387, 5874 9365




Some species: Pacific Parakeet; Black-capped Swallow; Rufous-browed Peppershrike; Bushy-crested Jay; Blue-and-white Mockingbird; Crescent-chested Warbler; Slate-throated Redstart.

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