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| The classification of biomes in this guide is exclusive for Guatemala, categorized and described as distinct biogeographical entities by Villar-Anleu (1998), where he presents several ecosystems that have different structural and functional relations and are also related with the present flora characteristics (Villar-Anleu 1998, Dallies 2008). Accordingly, we describe the seven biomes that you will find in Guatemala, all of them based on Villar-Anleu (1998). |
| 1. Tropical Humid Forest: |
 ©CONAP photo stock | | This biome is representative of the Petén region, the northern part of Guatemala. It is characterized by its plain land, with poor soils but exuberant jungles, and a very diverse fauna. In this biome several type of vegetation are present, such as high- and low-altitude forest, savanna, and wetlands systems (from lakes and flooding). In general, a Tropical Humid biome is defined by a very hot and humid climate, an altitude below 2953 feet above sea level, and no clear difference between the rainy season and dry season, although it is assumed that the dry season occurs between November and June. The dominant vegetation type is broad-leafed trees, and there are also some pines (Pinus caribbea). The most representative birds in this biome are: Ocellated Turkey, Yucatan Flycatcher, White-browed Wren, Black-throated Shrike-tanager, and Rose-throated Tanager. back to top |
| 2. Tropical Rain Forest: |
 CONAP photo stock | | Aunque es similar a la Selva Tropical Húmeda, la pluviosidad y humedad atmosférica es mucho más alta, la vegetación es más compleja y se observa mucha similitud con la vegetación suramericana. Con un rango altitudinal desde el nivel del mar hasta 1300msnm, el clima predominante es cálido húmedo y aunque la época seca de verano no está muy definida se puede esperar más lluvias entre junio y octubre. En este bioma se encuentran varios ecosistemas, incluyendo selvas altas perennifolias, sabanas y pastizales asociados, manglares y esteros entre otros. La vegetación dominante son árboles de hoja ancha, aunque hay algunas asociaciones de pinos (Pinus caribea y P. oocarpa). Algunas de las aves de este bioma son: Orange-breasted Falcon, White-crowned Pigeon, White-collared Manakin, Snowy Cotinga, Gray-headed Tanager, Olive-backed Euphonia, Golden-winged Warbler, Green-backed Sparrow. back to top |
| 3. Cloud Forest: |
 ©Photo:Ronny Mejía | | With a great complexity in its floristic composition, it is located on mountain slopes, among 3600 to 9514 feet above sea level. This habitat presents a wide biodiversity and associated vegetation (avocados, pine, oaks, and tree ferns); the understory is created by a variety of plants and mosses located in different strata that confers a high complexity, while high in the canopy you can observe a wide diversity of epiphytes due to the high humidity. The climate is temperate and humid during the day, but the nights can be somewhat cold. The high level of rain is characteristic of this biome, occurring generally between the months of April and September. Some birds of this biome are: Horned Guan, Highland Guan, Resplendent Quetzal, Belted Flycatcher, and Pink Headed Warbler. back to top |
| 4. Chaparral or Thorn Dry Scrub: |
 ©CONAP photo stock | | This is one of the most fragile biomes of the country, with less representation in the protected areas system (SIGAP). It has a discontinuous distribution through the central eastern region of the country, in valleys surrounded by mountains that generate the phenomenon known as rain shadow, creating dry zones as a consequence. The vegetation is typical from arid zones, with abundant cactus and thorn plants, generally deciduous (that means the loss of leaves during the dry season). This biome is located among 328 to 3280 feet above sea level, with a short but very well-marked rainy season between the months of June to October. Some of the birds in this biome are: Lesser Ground-cuckoo, Orange fronted Parakeet, Russet-crowned Motmot, Turquoise-browed Motmot, Cinnamon Hummingbird, White-lored Gnatcatcher, and Altamira Oriole. back to top |
| 5. Mountain Forest: |
 ©Photo:Ronny Mejía | | In this biome the influence of the North American region is evident in biodiversity, as was previously described. The Mountain Forest has few species, with only one stratum differentiated and a very poor forest understory. However, several endemic plants and fauna can be found in this biome, which occupies all the central highlands of Guatemala between altitudinal ranges of 6560 to 13780 feet above sea level. The climate is usually cold, and you can observe seasons related with northern latitudes. Some of the birds that you can observe here are: White-breasted Hawk, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Goldsman´s Warbler, Pine Siskin, and Guatemalan Junco. back to top |
| 6. Tropical Humid Savannah: |
 ©Photo:David Schiele | | It is located along the Pacific Coast, with an altitudinal range from sea level to nearly 2900 feet above sea level, with predominantly warm weather; the original vegetation (deciduous forest, evergreen forest, savannas, and mangroves) has been transformed and replaced by agricultural landscapes, although in some areas you can still observe remnants of the original vegetation, and rivers going down the volcanic chain towards the sea. Some of the most exciting birds that you can watch in this area are: Common Black-Hawk, White-bellied Chachalaca, Pacific Parakeet, Violet Sabrewing, and Long-tailed Manakin. back to top |
| 7. Subtropical Humid Forest: |
 ©Photo:José Yee | | This biome, located in the Pacific region known in Guatemala as “Boca Costa”, runs through slopes of the volcanic chain. With an altitudinal range from 2600 to 3900 feet above sea level, there is diverse vegetation and a moderate warm temperature, where the volcanic chain serves as a wind barrier for the humid winds that come from the south; this biome is nevertheless an unusually rainy place. Some birds of this biome are: Red-throated Parakeet, Blue-tailed Hummingbird, Azure-rumped Tanager, and Prevost´s Ground Sparrow. back to top |