birdwatching in Guatemala Center-Highlands Pacific Coast Eastern - Caribbean Verapaces Peten
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nature reserve
| Petexbatún - Aguateca
Archaeological Park and Cultural Monument






archaeological site




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Description: This destination is special for those who like natural places, adventure and history. You will have the opportunity to observe birds in the Petexbatún lagoon, flanked by beautiful jungles until you reach the Archeological and Cultural Monument of Aguateca. The monuments located in the Archeological Park correspond to the remnants of the ancient city of Aguateca, which are truly preserved and restored situated in the middle of tropical rain forests; several important discoveries related with the fall of the ancient Maya culture has been taken place here.

Services: In Aguateca Archeological Park and Cultural Monument there are visitors´ center, trails, camping and restrooms; on Petexbatún lagoon you will find hotels, such as Chiminos Island Lodge, where there are also restaurant services.

Access: Take the CA-9 highway from Guatemala City and then get on CA-13 to Flores; then drive towards Sayaxché (39.7 miles). From here you can access by boat the Archeological Park by traveling on the Petexbatún lagoon. Another option is by leaving from Las Verapaces (Alta Verapaz or Baja Verapaz), taking CA-14 to Cobán and then going to Sayaxché.

Tourist facilities: Birdwatching is mainly by boat over Petexbatún lagoon; in the Archeological Park there are some trails between the monuments.Fees and schedule: US$ 3.50 per person for Guatemalan residents, and US$6 per person for foreigners.

Other features: You can access other important archeological sites from these localities such as Dos Pilas, Tamarindito and Ceibal

Contact: Dirección General del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural del Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes (DGPCN, General Headquarters of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Ministry of Culture). Telephone: (502) 2251 6224


Some species: Bat Falcon, Plain Chachalaca, Red-capped Manakin, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Gray-headed Tanager, Montezuma Oropendola



| White-browed Wren
(Thryothorus albinucha)

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