birdwatching in Guatemala Center-Highlands Pacific Coast Eastern - Caribbean Verapaces Peten
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  | Chajbaoc Farm and Reserve  






© Fotos:Max Noack    

Description: The reserve with 57 acres was created in 1996 to promote the conservation of the Cloud Forest and the biodiversity of the region. It is located four hours away from Guatemala City but only five minutes away from the city of Cobán. Inside the reserve there is a sightseeing post where you can have a look at the city of Cobán as well as enjoy the trails inside the Cloud Forest.

Services: There is a visitors’ center, local guides and craft sales. Lodging will soon be offered.

Access: Take the CA-9 Highway until you reach El Rancho on Km85, where you take the road to Cobán (Km213). Once you get to Cobán look for the community of San Francisco and drive through the old road to Chisec, where you will drive on a dirt road until you reach the reserve. The reserve borders around the city of Cobán, and it is five minutes away by car from its central park.
Tourist facilities: Trails (3.1 miles long) from medium to difficult level located in the mountain and sightseeing spots.

Fees and schedule: US$ 3.00 per person, it is necessary to make reservations. The reserve is open from Friday to Sunday.

Other features: Located in the beautiful city of Cobán, where you can access all the tourist facilities of the area.
Contact: Telephones: (502) 7952 2843, 5704 4525


Some species: Plain Chachalaca, Collared Trogon, Little Hermit, Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Blue-throated Motmot, Blue-crowned Motmot, Golden-olive Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Slate-colored Solitaire, Crimson-collared Tanager.



| Blue-throated Motmot
(Aspatha gularis)

Chelemhá >>

birdwatching guatemala